Enrollment Form

Business Information

Company Type

Operations Accounts Information


Monthly Shipping Volumes

International Volume
Domestic Volume

Monthly Revenue Commitment

Business Trade Reference


Terms & Conditions

The Customer authorizes the opening of an account with lnXpress and the investigation of references provided. The Customer understands that it is ordering services from lnXpress as a third-party, bill-to provider and not a transport services company, that lnXpress is not a carrier or that lnXpress represents any specific carrier, and that The Customer will receive discounted billing from lnXpress for services provided from one or more carriers. The Customer acknowledges that they have read and will abide by, and be subject to, the Terms and Conditions of lnXpress, which are available on our website inxpress.com/terms-and-conditions/ and of each carrier used, which are available on their websites and/or waybills or bills of lading.

Enrollment Form, is referred to as 'InXpress Account Application' within the terms and conditions.

The Customer understands that any service failures, late freight deliveries or damage claims are handled directly by the carrier. Payment terms to lnXpress will not be extended due to pending claim[s). lnXpress will not be responsible for goods or materials damaged during shipment.

The Customer agrees to payment terms of Net 14-days FROM DATE OF INVOICE except invoices for Duties and Taxes which are due upon receipt. If the invoice isn’t paid on time, discounts may be reduced, meaning INVOICE AMOUNTS MAY INCREASE ON ALL INVOICES UNPAID AFTER THE DUE DATE. Also, carrier services may be curtailed until the account is brought current. All costs of collection, including but not limited to reasonable attorney fees if incurred, will also be the responsibility of The Customer. Duties and taxes may be invoiced up to 6 months after shipment. Invoice delivery method is via e-mail.

Prior to InXpress accepting any claims, payment for services rendered, must have been made in full.

I certify that the information above is correct, that I have proper authority to sign on behalf of the Customer, that the Customer is not insolvent and is in good standing.


Security Declaration

Photo ID Type